So its been awhile since I’ve done any serious blogging. Honestly I’m not sure why. My life hasen’t been very interesting, but that never stopped me before. Well I actually do have a little bit of excitement to talk about so here goes…… and as for the title goes, well its just a song that’s been stuck in my head for a while now, not sure why but I am open to suggestions.
So to start with I should have written this about a week ago, or maybe longer. On the work front the big huge “Most important job in Aberdeen this year” and therefore the most important Wireline job for Schlumberger this year was completed on May 25 my your truly. Everything defiantly did not go according to plan, but I think overall we (John a fellow American was the other engineer) we did a good job, actually we did a great job. We had some failures(Not our fault), but we were on the limits with everything and for the most part dealt with the stress of the weight of the Wireline world on our shoulders, and half the SLB world literally looking over our shoulders well. I can’t really say anymore about the job because it’s a tight hole (ha ha ha, yea I laugh every time I say it too). Now its just back to do all the final paperwork and get this “HUGE” check that everyone keeps talking about.
O yea just to keep everyone updates I was offshore from May 2-18, than back on land for the 19-20, then back out from the 21-25, so a total of 20 days offshore in a month, new record for me!
Ok so now for the fun stuff on Friday the 25th when the job was finally over we had Chinese for dinner. We being John, another Texan and myself. All three of us drank quite a few beers ad decided that the best place to spend the rest of the night was the Casino. This was not a surprise because all 3 of us do enjoy the gambling, although 1 of us (not me) usually walks away up a lot of money. SO anyway on our way to the International casino we pass the new casino that opened upstairs from the club I mentioned earlier that is in an old church. The Casino is owned by the same people (No not God) but as the club is called Soul it is called Soul Casino. So we decide that we have walked far enough and we will stop to deposit out money into the hole at the end of the roulette table here. We sign up and as the place has only been open for 2 weeks they decide to give us the grand tour. Doesn’t hurt that when they ask if we are members at any other casinos we all pull out multiple black membership cards. So we head up the elevator and it opens into the most impressive room I have seen in
So anyway we start playing roulette and this is where I start to do amazing things. Not not just o he won in a casino amazing, but like, oh my god this cannot happen in the physical universe amazing.
So for starters I buy in for 20 $. O and for record $ means pounds and all the money I talk about should be doubled to convert to US dollars.
Ok her goes with what I remember. I was playing 0.25$ chips and covering the board, basically playing the middle numbers and making a flower around 26. I was staying about even when I decided to change my bet and just bet a few numbers. When I was betteing I put 8 chips down on 15 and 3 on 3. My only 2 bets on the table, what hits …… 15, that’s 8X35 chips, that’s a lot. I go nutz. I make a neighbors bet. (Bet 25$ on a number that splits down to 5$ on 5 numbers in a slice of the wheel and pays ut 175$ if you win. I hit it. I let the bet spin again, it hit again, I had over 500 in my hand. The 3rd of the group who is normally taking money from casinos is loosing, I do feel slightly better but he maxed out his card and I gave him a loan.
I then walked over to the blackjack table and start to play. 5$ hand, won to 10, 10 goes to 20. make the bet 100, and I won. At this point the other guy on the table is just laughing nearly as much as me. I bet the table maximum of 200$ and wouldn’t you know it, I hit blackjack for 300$. I go back to the roulette table with all green $100 chips and ask John what will hit. He is a student of the numbers tonight for some reason, but he doing well so no harm, and he says it will be a low one. I put 200$ on the first 12, it lands on 6. I make 400$, if you know the order of a wheel you know that 6 is surrounded on both sides by high numbers for at least 5 in each direction, there is no way it should land on 6, but it does and I peak for the night at 1200$, that’s 2400 real $, that’s like 2 weeks work almost all this and it might be 10 pm. Everyone tells me to cash out, I go to play blackjack. I make 5 consecutive 200$ bets and loose them all, I am back down to 200$. I am sad. I demand the free sand wedges that we were promised on entry. Before they get there I am down to 50$. I am upset.
I work the wheel again all the way back to 800$. I can do no wrong. The third guy borrows money again, make almost all he owes back to me and runs home. mE and John continue until
So the next day I buy 100$ worth of wine and Scotch, Scotch for a guy that helped out a lot on the job, 1 nice bottle of whine for my Aunt that I went to visit and the rest to stock up. Then went to work. Went back to the casino the next night after a night of bar hopping and watching Pirates 3, which really sucks. And lost 300$ back but I was still up.
Mom came on Sunday to visit which was great, will write about that later, but I took her on Tuesday and made another 200$. So bottom line. Looks like I found a new ATM machine when the money doesen’t come from my account, brilliant.
On Wednesday I went down with Mom to my Aunt and we had a family reunion with 2 new family members (2 new babies, 1 cousin and 1 great cousin (I know that doesen’t exist but its my Cousin’s baby and I don’t know what to call it) Again will write more about that later.
Anyway only 3 weeks of work until my vacation J Hopefully it will go fast. Will write more soon now that life is a little more slow.