Saturday, January 20, 2007

New Years and beyond

So on to the blog. i think I have been pretty poor on posting anything since New Years and trust me my life has been very interesting. ( For real this time)

So where do I start. First off the the title of the last 3 weeks will be called in the Journal of my life "The awakening".
New Years Eve, no frozen trees to fall from this year so I decided to have a small pre party at my place. Planing was piss poor and late as per SOP and it was a very small party, 4 people total, and we sat around and played a few drinking games. This was from 5 pm til about 9 pm. It was actually lots of fun. After that we went to the unofficial Schlumberger party and this residential hotel type place where all the new people stay when they move to Aberdeen. Someone had rented an apartment for the party and filled it with booze. As we were already buzzin front he drinking games we fell right in line with the drinking in the new venue. So we drink and drink and I start hitting on this girl (Women really as she was older than me by more than a couple of years). She defiantly wants me but we keep drinking. Anyway, to make a long story short (and I was too drunk to remember details) we drink with a bunch of people until 6 in the morning, go into 1 of the bedrooms some pretty hot making out and then we both pass out. But the fun couldn't stop there, maybe the old version of me, but not "Fusion" I wake not more than 1 hour later, roll over and have some great drunk sex. Shortly after that we head for breakfast at someones house with a few other stragglers at the party. Clean the apartment a little bit then split for a few hours. Well this started to be a more regular thing and we spend the next 2 nights together.
Then I went offshore for 6 days (I will be blogging about this separately, possibly in Compare and contrast style with the Job I am leaving for in the morning maybe even a vendiagram...)
So Get back about a week later, a few more days with this girl then the weekend hits and there is this really cute younger English girl that I wanted to hook up with and its going to be my last chance cause she is leaving. Me and the New Years girl had already talked about how we were not looking for a relationship but I liked the new discovery of casual sex. Anyway, while New Years girl was having a party of her own, I am putting forth full effort on my new target. A group of us went to dinner where the conversation turned to why guys go to strip clubs. (It was a nice Italian Restaurant and we were drinking the whine quite well so the convo was pretty loud and very animated. Ii got several looks from this older couple throughout the convo which made me feel good about myself.) High point of the Convo was when the target says to me: "Why would you pay money to see girls naked when you could do that for free, I mean your a good looking guy" My classic response "I know" (Mike that book changed my life, i think it should be mandatory reading for everyone just on the comedic value alone. Also about half the table at dinner had read the book so we talked about that too.
So back to the girl, after dinner we go out to a club, pretty low key sitting and drinking, she has some University friends in town so she is moving between 2 tables. Drinking was heavy and frequent but things I remember are her seeing the Playboy Chain and saying its always the quiet ones (I'm not quiet but whatever). So we go back to the place with the fishbowl drinks and down about 6 of them between 6 of us, 1 of which was this tall guy that was in love with this girl that I wanted. Well she didn't feel that way about him and was using me to stay between the 2 of them. My thoughts: hmmm, maybe this will work after all. All of this while one of the people that had been on the offshore job with me was being one of the best wing men ever (Girls make great wing women) So anyway, we leave, I walk the girl back to the some place where all the new people stay, this other guy, not the tall guy tries to do a little cock blocking but I swiftly send him on his way, invite myself up and the rest of the night/morning goes as planned. I'm getting good at this picking up thing :-) . I get woken up to be told that I am snoring and should go home, i am tired so I promise to stop snoring and go back to sleep. it could have been because I had the flu and was majorly sick, but I decided not to tell the girl that, I am sure she know by now, but its only a 2 day flu so its not too bad. So I wake up in the morning and she is packing for her flight, she leave, I sleep for another hour then walk home. What should have been a 7 minute walk took 40 because of 1 wrong turn. oops, o well it was still a fun night.

This is getting way to long but last nights adventure was interesting too. Dinner and a pub, a couple of bars/clubs, drank a bottle of champagne straight from the bottle (It was only 10 pounds but got me wasted) Made out with a random girl in the stairwell. I don't even know if I saw her face, she just grabbed me and started making out with me, but in the end alas I went home alone...... I guess even hall of famers strike out every now and again.

So for anyone that read all of that, get back to work
peace out
Fusion (Hmm, i'm starting to think I don't like that name, we'll see what happens)


Micaela said...

Fusion, eh? What ever happened to the Dragon? :P

A said...

I was thinking of the same fucking thing. "Fusion" screams internet nerd. To remain truly anyn. you should change your name to Rick XXXXXXX - Schumberger Eng. - Aberdeen.